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This week went by way too fast. I don’t have a lot to say about the week but I am glad that it is finally the weekend. work is going well. Chris and I are finally finding things to do at work so it is less boring. They moved us into different areas so that helps. It is hard for me to work with my husband because I see him every day and now it is not only at home but at work too. At least we are saving gas money by commuting together.
The kids are doing great. My in-laws want me to look into day care for them. I made a decision to put Ciara in the preschool at holy Family, where her sister attends sixth grade. The only requirement is that she is potty trained. When I was telling my mother-in-law about the preschool I said but..and she replied, “She needs to be potty trained first.” Well, she is potty trained. Chris and I worked hard to get her potty trained but whenever I pick her up from my in-laws they have her in a pull up. That irritates me! If she stays in a pull up then she will go back to going potty in her pants instead of on the potty. They are not consistent with her like they must be. It doesn’t help when my nearly 4-year-old not potty trained nephew is over too. I know I shouldn’t be so negative or hard on them, but if she was with my mother all day she would make sure she stopped every so often to use the potty just like we do it at home. Ciara isn’t always going to tell you when she has to go. Anyway, my mother-in-law said that she has a lot more accidents when she is over there so that is why they just put a pull up on her. She said it is because Ciara is away from home and in a different environment. I mean that would throw the whole potty thing off. maybe pre-school will do the same thing.
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Conan still isn’t walking yet. Although, he is getting a lot more teeth and saying a lot more words.
Courtney is going to be in this religion decathlon at school. I am very pleased of her. She has to learn a bunch of prayers and information on St. Paul. After a few weeks of studying with fellow students early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings they will all take a test to figure out who is going to be on the team. The teachers can only choose four fifth graders and four sixth graders for the team. Those eight will then have to learn a two minute play about St. Paul and study some a lot more to prepare for a test against other Catholic schools throughout the diocese of Sacramento. I hope she makes the team! I am trying to find a good book about St. Paul for her to study with.
So that is my week in a nutshell. I am glad it is finally the weekend, although I do have to work on Labor Day.
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